Claim On Your Insurance

We hope you never experience a loss. But when you do, make sure you get the service you paid for.
Claim. It’s what we’re here for. We helped you find the right policy. Now you’ve got a problem, it’s our job to make sure your claim goes smoothly. Remember, we work for you – not the insurer – and will do our best to navigate that fine print in your policy wording to make your insurance claims experience as painless as possible.

Do You need To Make An Insurance Claim?

Although you shouldn’t normally repair without authority, if your roof has been damaged in a storm, you’re well within your rights to do what’s necessary to prevent further damage – e.g. emergency repairs to stop more water coming in. Just make sure you take photos where possible, and call us as soon as you can so we can advise you and get the insurer on side for the claim.

Things to do

Call us

Let us know straight away when you become aware of a claim, or a potential claim.

Be Reasonable

Remember your insurance is there to make good on a loss – not to make you better off!

Prevent Further Loss

Take reasonable steps to make sure your property isn’t further damaged.

Take Photos of the Damage

Especially if you have to clean it up or do emergency repairs!

Things not to do

Repair/Replace Without Authority

The insurer might want to assess the damage, and if they can’t, you’ll have to prove the loss.

Admit Liability

You might know it’s your fault, but you can’t admit this – we’ll report it to the insurer and they’ll sort it out.

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